Wednesday, December 14, 2022

CHANGES OF VENUE;Names Called for Tanzania Revenue Authority TRA Governmental Jobs Interview 2022 | Majina Ya Kwenye Usaili TRA 2022

  ajira tanzania       Wednesday, December 14, 2022


Names Called for Tanzania Revenue Authority TRA Governmental Jobs Interview 2022 | Majina Ya Kwenye Usaili TRA 2022

Majina Ya Walioitwa Kwenye Usaili TRA2022 Call For Interview;- in This Post You Will Find Full List Ya Majina walioitwa Usaili wa TRA 2022, TRA Names Call For Interview.

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The Tanzania Revenue Authority has announced the names of the candidates shortlisted for the first round interview which will take place on e 17 December, 2022 hadi tarehe 08 January, 2023. If you have recently applied for job opportunities announced by the Tanzania Revenue Authority through the Government Recruitment Portal (Ajira Portal), you can check if you have been selected for an interview from a list of Candidates selected from the document below.

Tanzania Revenue Authority TRA is a government agency that is responsible for the collection of taxes and duties. It also has the responsibility of collecting revenue from other sources such as excise duty, import duty, and export duty.

Names Called for Tanzania Revenue Authority TRA Governmental Jobs Interview 2022 | Majina Ya Kwenye Usaili TRA 2022

The Tanzania Revenue Authority TRA is recruiting for various positions in different departments.

TRA core values are a handful of moral boundaries within which TRA operates. They define TRA’s personality and are ethical standards by which TRA would be measured. The values are a commitment to the stakeholders and are incorporated into all actions taken by the organization.

Full List Ya Majina walioitwa Usaili wa TRA

Here you will find everything you need to know about the TRA interview schedule and we will provide you with more TRA opportunities and interview tips.

Call For Interview at Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) 2022 The Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) was established by Act of Parliament No. 11 of 1995, and started its operations on 1st July 1996. In carrying out its statutory functions, TRA is regulated by law, and is responsible for administering impartially various taxes of the Central Government.

Names Called for Tanzania Revenue Authority TRA Governmental Jobs Interview 2022 | Majina Ya Kwenye Usaili TRA 2022

The interviewees who are called for the interview should follow the following instructions:-

The written interview will be conducted from 17-18 December, 2022and the interview will be conducted on 07-08 January, 2023 as shown in this announcement; the time and place where the interview will take place is specified for each Cadre;

The written interview will be conducted in four zones which are pided into the regions of Dodoma (University of Dodoma UDOM), Dar es Salaam (University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), Associate University of Education (DUCE) and Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial College (MNMA) Kigamboni, Mbeya (University of Science and Technology (MUST)) and Mwanza (Mtakitifu Agustino University (SAUT).

The written interview will also be conducted in Zanzibar (Institute of Public Administration (IPA). Interviews will be conducted in Dodoma (University of Dodoma (UDOM)) and Zanzibar (Maruhubi Tourism College).

Each Interviewee should correctly quote his selection interview number and Actions, those numbers are available on the account of each Interviewee in the job application system;

Each interviewee must arrive at the interview venue dressed


Each Interviewee should have identification for identification; viii. Acceptable IDs include:- Resident ID, Voter’s ID, Work ID, Citizenship ID, Passport or letter of identification from the local/Village Executive where you live;

Interviewees with different names in their documents should ensure that they arrive with an oath of name (Affidavit) or document of registration of names (Deedpoll);

The interviewees must come with their ACTUAL CERTIFICATES, starting from birth certificate, form IV, VI, diploma, higher diploma, degree and continue depending on the applicant’s qualifications;

Respondents who will submit “Testimonials”, “Provisional Results”, “Statement of results”, form V and form VI results slips will NOT be accepted and will not be allowed. CONTINUE WITH THE INTERVIEW;

Each interviewee will pay for food, travel and accommodation; xiii. Each interviewee should consider the date, time and place he was scheduled to interview; xiv. For applicants who studied outside of Tanzania, make sure their certificates have been verified and approved by the relevant authorities (such as TCU, NACTE or


Job applicants whose names did not appear in this advertisement should note that they do not meet the criteria. therefore, do not hesitate to apply again when the job vacancies are announced and comply with the requirements of the relevant announcement.

For cadres who are required to be registered with their Professional Boards, they should bring their Original Registration Certificates along with their Work Licenses.

All the interviewees called to the interview should make sure they log into their accounts and copy the interview number because those numbers will not be given on the day of the interview.

Tanzania Revenue Authority TRA Offers attractive salary to workers as a motivation for work, also covers Insurance. For those with bachelor degree have more advantage in wining this positions.


Thanks for reading CHANGES OF VENUE;Names Called for Tanzania Revenue Authority TRA Governmental Jobs Interview 2022 | Majina Ya Kwenye Usaili TRA 2022

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