NECTA SFNA Results 2022/2023 – Matokeo ya darasa la Nne 2022/2023, standard four national assessment (sfna) 2022/2023 results.
This article is completely about NECTA SFNA Results 2022/2023. Read further to know more about the SFNA results 2022/2023, website, steps to check SFNA result 2022/2023 online.
Standard four national assessment (sfna) Each subject has an examination format, which describes the structure of the examination paper, and the content in which that particular examination covers. The details of subjects addressed are shown in individual examinations formats.
SFNA Result Updates:
SFNA examination is administered by National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA) according to the planned schedule. Each year, thousands of candidates show up for the SFNA exams; this year, practically all pupils showed up. NECTA implements and manages many activities, including creating study plans, establishing curricula, and holding internal and final exams. It also regulates and oversees the Tanzania education system. The authority anticipates that the pass rate and success ratio of students will be higher than it was the previous year, taking into account the larger number of students who have registered to take the NECTA exam. The National Examinations Council of Tanzania (NECTA) is Government Institution which was established by the Parliamentary Act No. 21 of 1973. NECTA is responsible for the administration of all National Examinations in Tanzania
Standard four results (Matokeo ya Darasa la Nne) Click here
Functions Of NECTA
The following is a list of the additional duties carried out by the NECTA:
The Functions of National Examinations of Tanzania
- To formulate examinations policy in accordance with the principles of education for self reliance and the education and training policy
- To ensure responsibility for examinations within the United Republic of Tanzania and to make provision for places and centres for examinations
- To receive from other persons or bodies of persons reports or other material affecting examinations policy and from from time to time to consider and review examinations policy as circumstances may require
- To co-operate with other persons or bodies of persons in the orderly development of an examinations system in the United Republic of Tanzania
- To conduct examinations for, and to grant, diplomas, certificates and other awards of the the council
- To act as the body which shall facilitate, administer and supervise foreign examinations in Tanzania.
Powers and Duties of The National Examinations Council of Tanzania
- Administer the properties of the Council both movable and immovable
- To administer the funds and other assets of the Council
- To signify the acts of the Council by use of the common seal;
- Subject to the provisions of this Act, to appoint such officers of the Council as it may deem necessary
- To review regulations relating to examinations
- To consider and approve subjects suitable for examinations
- To appoint panels or boards of examiners
- To enter into arrangements, whether reciprocal or otherwise, with other persons or organization, whether within or outside the United Republic, for the recognition of awards granted in respect of examinations falling within their respective responsibilities